"There was a sudden bright explosion and corkscrew trail across the sky; the darkness again and stars. There was a speck above the island, a figure dropping swiftly beneath a parachute..."
( Golding 95 )
The quote to the right was taken from the beginning of Chapter 6 of The Lord Of The Flies by William Golding. After feeling a bit depressed of the lack of discipline, both Piggy and Ralph wish they could someone have a sign from the adult world. After they completed their wish and fell to sleep, an airplane is bombed above the island and a dead parachutists drift dead and lands on the island. I chose this quote because this was the even that peak the fears of the boys towards the beast through the roof. The quote contains dramatic irony. While staying true to his style, Golding circumlocutously let's the audience know that it is a dead parachutists and not the beast, which the boys believe it is later. 

Analysis: The dramatic irony of this event is suspenseful and adds a level of drama at the point where their conflicts were getting a bit dull and repetitive  Those who look further although, can find another type of irony on top of this one. The fact the kids wished for adult intervention and a dead person lands on their island creates an example of situational irony, as neither the reader or the boys would expect and accept that, and is also symbolic of how the enforcement of morals adults enforce are dead, therefore a dead adult is given by the sky.

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