"From his left hand dangled Piggy's broken glasses."

( Golding 168 ) 
At the end of Chapter 10 of The Lord Of The Flies by William Golding, the symbols of civilization start to have physical damage. While Piggy and Ralph try to sleep through the remorse they had for Simon's death, Jack and his savages attacks their camp and takes Piggy's glasses and breaks them. The narrator stated the quote as he reported what had happened. I chose this quote because it's very symbolic. The glasses were the reason why the boys were able to start a fire. They are symbolic of the strength science has in a society and by breaking them, it implies science has left the island and left only barbarian forces behind. 

Analysis: By breaking the glasses, Piggy's inability to see clearly is analogous to the foggy vision of the boys. The boys can not see the horrible transformation they are making and depicts how the boys have lost their locus of control. At this point of the plot, the hopes of keeping civilization alive are gone. 

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