Most of us take for granted the superiority we have in the world. As humans, we are the best there is to be found on Earth. No species dares to compete but one cant help to wonder what exactly is it that sets us humans apart from the rest of animals? On a physical level, they are not that much different from us. We all have similarities like having a pumping heart, legs that walk, mouths that feed, and eyes that can see yet there's a little more to humans. What makes us the dominant species in the world? According to chapters one through three of the book "Language in Thought and Action" by S.I Hayakawa and Alan R. Hayakawa, I have concluded our ability to reason our spoken and recordable language have allowed us to stay on top. Humans are able to communicate unlike no other animal. We've come to create a complex language that allows us to speak of the future, the present, and the past to others not only that are in front of us but with people in the future about any subject. Sort of what I'm doing right now. Even though I'm not physically in front of you, I'm sharing my voice and ideas, my knowledge, and you are listening as if I were in front of you talking. 

Our language has allowed us to discover many knowledge and experiences of people before us that was written down only to be built upon in all sorts of categories. We can rely on each other experiences and mentally judge or analyze them reasonably, so we don't have to experience everything on our own. Imagine how difficult it would be for you to solve a math problem without your math teacher giving you any tips himself gained from when he was in school? It is because of this comprehensible marks known as letters, that together make up words, and are connected to some meaning; we have been able to discover our past like how most of our world today is based off of the Greek Civilization or the fact the Greeks even existed! Future generations will be able to access this sort of past-discovered information and to keep the pooling of knowledge going because it was all written down for any one to read and know. No other organism have developed such an advance way of communicating with each other like we have and it is what I believe sets up apart from all other life on Earth. So the next time you read your mail, a letter, or a book embrace the delicate complexity of human nature. 

10/31/2012 01:07:45 am

I like your example of trying to learn how to solve a math problem if you couldn't access any of the information known about it. It puts it into perspective because everyone at some point or another has had to take math in school. As to the "no other organisms have developed in such a way...", I think Mrs.Fassbender would have something to say about the octopus.


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