The poetics of Aristotle are distinct from any other. Along with an assigned group, I took notes of the key ideas and concepts Artistotle kept in mind when reading. Our chapters were 10 to 15.  

In Plots, Aristotle thought that there were two types: Complex and Simple. He believed there were only two types because he though real life actions showed this distinction and as literature works were meant to imitate life than these two categories were needed to take into account when writing. In Simple Plots, the change of fortune takes place without any form of irony or reversal of situation with no recognition of it. In Complex Plots, the changed is accompanied by a reversal of situation and/or a recognition. I even learned the following latin phrase:  

Post hoc ergo propter ego means after this, therefore because of this, iis a phrase that is used to think about the probable causes and results of actions. 

In my notes, there were a few key terms. 

- Reversal of Situation
- Recognition 
- The Scene of Suffering

Reversal of Situation refers to a change by which action veers round to its opposite according to the rule of necessity. I think or reversal as the same to situational irony. Recognition is a change from ignorance to knowledge, like an epiphany. The recognition produces whether or not you'll love the person destined by the poet for good or bad fortune. The Scene of Suffering is probably my favorite only because they are the most fun to act out. It's a destructive or painful action, such as deaths on stage. A good example is Jocasta's suicide in Oedipus Rex. 

Characters also have certain requirements. They must aim for a constant speech and actions that maintain the moral purpose of their characterization. If the character is bad, then only bad actions the character will commit. Characters must also be accepted by the standards or morals of society. They must be true to life and at above all must be consistent to their nature. The authors should aim to avoid any Deus ex Machina, which means events that lie beyond the range of human knowledge. 

It's really fun to learn about what authors go through when writing a story. It's tough work. 

P.S Aristotle was about that life!


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