It was while reading S.I Hayakawa's Language In Thought And Action at the beginning of the year that I became aware of the of the infinite possibilities of knowledge written language offers. When AP English Students got assigned to research the setting of an assigned literary work that I was stunned to find all sorts of information available. The idea of a time machine are words and when we research we time travel. My assigned works were "Miss Brill" by Katherine Mansfield and "Blue Highways" by William Least Heat-Moon.

"Miss Brill" is set in France during the 1920's, a time where women were wearing shorter dresses and hair. This time was full of provocative jazz music and this kind of information is important to know. How could anyone understand that story fully if we don't understand how society influenced the character? 

Albeit, "Blue Highways" by William Least Heat-Moon was set in the US during the late 1970's. The 1970s were a time period of many different activities. The plot of the story is William, himself, takes a road trip around the country and meets all sorts of people. Theses people were living in a time when the US was in the Cold War and many dangerous serial killers were finally captured. 
I was really shocked to find this kind of detail that lies behind the story and the only way I know about it because someone decided to write it down. The Pooling of Knowledge. 


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