Today, I was given a secret weapon. No, it's not made of metal. No, it's not a gun. No, it does not have an extensional meaning. What is it? Maybe you have heard of it. It's called Positive Supposition. Positive Supposition mean stating statements of blame towards someone yet giving the accused a false sense receiving the benefit of the doubt . Yes, you read it right. You're accusing someone while avoiding a self-defensive reaction. It's a really manipulative to do and gives you a lot of power compare to someone who doesn't know what this is. Let's take a look at some example so you can get the sense of what I am talking about. Let's pretend we are investigators similar to the ones on the CSI shows. 

Case 1: A mother finds his son has not clean his room. Frustrated and angry to his mess, she wants to yell at him as soon as he gets home from school. She is hesitant to do this, although, because she knows it will only start an argument since the son will try to defense himself from the accusation. After thinking some time she knows exactly what to do. When her son arrives from school, she decides to use positive supposition to tell his son she is angry at his messy room so she tells him "I'm so glad that today I get to relax from this stressful day. It's nice knowing every room in the house is clean."

Case 2: You are a high school teacher and find out the assignment you assigned last night was not completed by any of your students  Without wanting to accuse the class of failure and creating a tense environment, you decide to use positive supposition to tell the class how disappointed you are in the student's lack of dedication so you say "Class, yesterday, I ran into an old friend from college and I bragged about the great dedication my students have in their work."

In both cases, the message was kept the same, the mother expected the room to be clean and the teacher expected her students to complete their homework, but was told in a non accusing way. The receivers of this message should understand the expectations expected and complete them since they now know they were expected. Using Positive Supposition is a great weapon to have clipped on your belt since it's a characteristics of all great leaders. Leaders should be approachable to their followers even when they fail at some tasks. They must find a way to make them complete their tasks with out putting them in a defensive position. All great leaders bring the best in each of their followers. 

Thinking about the specific task a leader must complete, I found that in my life I didn't had as many leaders as I thought I had. I guess it's not so easy fulfilling these requirements. How many true leaders that hold these qualities are found in your life?

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