The classic Gothic tale of The Legend Of Sleepy Hollow  by Washington Irving is probably the most known horror story  ever. Everyone is familiar with the man who takes the head of people because he lost his own. I never really payed much attention to analyzing this story until I seen the movie version with Johnny Depp. The story is filled with symbolism such as the tree which the headless Horseman comes out of. This is kind of an ironic symbolism because tress usually represent life and in this movie represents the home of death. Another striking symbol is the story is the red cardinal on a circle that makes the illusion its being trapped in a cage when you hold the string in opposite directions. The red cardinal is symbolic of the setting. Red cardinals creates a vivid view when they are found in a forest with dead trees and white snow that contrasts the fiery red. Cardinals represent something alive and the fact that its in a cage means that Ichaban Crane must unleash the truth that is kept inside the town of Sleepy Hollow. The ultimate theme is the truth can not be harnessed and will always find a way to make justice to those who deserve it. 

P.S The level of comedy relief in the movie brought by Johnny Depp is just the right amount that perfectly makes the movie more family-friendly while at the same time avoids ridiculing the story. Well done!


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