The most recent movie we have watched is The Count Of Monte Cristo. Edmond Dantes is a crew man who go to the island of Elba to seek medical help for his injured captain. Dantes although is asked  from Napoleon himself to deliver a letter to someone named Mr. Clarion. Edmond's bestfriend, Fernand Mondego, steals that letter in his sleeps and send his own best friend to jail after stealing his life. Betrayed and hopeless, Edmond is sent to Chateau d'if  to rot there forever but instead escapes from that prison as a changed more knowledgeable man. He devotes his energy into bringing justice with his own hands. Edmond wants revenge. 

Edmond is the protagonist in this story that goes through a intense change. His character is a dynamic character with a external locus of control. Through out the story, you see a few allusion to the bible such as the Quote on his cell's wall that says "God Will Give Me Justice." The predominant symbol of the movie was at the end when that chess piece was found by Fernand when he was trying to run away. This chess piece is symbolic of Karma and it's also an example of situational irony since Fernand had given Edmond that piece at the beginning. The theme of this movie is one is capable of a self transformation no matter what you situation is. My favorite character is Abbe Busoni. I feel he represents God's wisdom since he took the time to polish the rough diamond that was Edmond. 

P.S During a jail class, Abbe Busoni says that neglect is our ally. Do you believe so?


Jasmine J
1/29/2013 12:47:13 pm

I missed the beginning of this movie, but a lot of our classmates said its been one of their favorites. You did a really good job giving a recap of everything that happened. I was able to pick up the main idea of the movie from your explanation. When you said the chess piece could symbolize karma, I agreed but also thought it could mean something else. Chess being a complicated and strategic game could symbolize how careful and smart he was in getting his revenge?


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