In Chapter Five, I was introduced to a family member of the Intentional Meaning family, Connotation. Connotation is the feeling or emotion that pops in your head when you hear a certain word. 

Ex: The word Pig has a negative connotation since you think about how dirty a pig is thought to be therefore a negative reaction is intended.

Since words can have emotions attached to them, language can be used to express the speaker's feeling. If someone call's you a pig, you will not think that they like you very much even though they did not state it or said it in a report form. Report language informs us, Expressive language affects our emotional state or our feelings. There are a few factors that affect how expressive language can affect us. The tone of voice, the loudness or softness of your voice; and the rhythm used, the attention capturing repetition of auditory stimuli at fairly regular intervals; all are important affective elements in speech. The chapter also explained the definition of Denotation, which is the extensional meaning (what it actually is.)

Connotations have two categories:

1. Informative Connotations
which include both the definition and the denotation or a combination of the two.
- EX: Mermaids. You know what it is but you can't cant point at it in real life.
and can mean different things to different people.
- EX: the Bird Robin, people around the world are familiar with a different kind of robin so ho do they know which one are you talking about?

2. Affective Connotations
arouses a feeling and reveals how people actually feel.

In our Society, we also use Euphenisms.  Euphenisms are the subtitution of a mild expression or word thought to be socially neglected or offensive called a Taboo like the word sex. We use the phrase "making love" instead of using "sexual intercourse." Euphenisms and Taboos change all the time and are basically circumlocutions that be used when you want to talk about this awkward topics. 

Personally, I think it's jaw-dropping that language can reveal someone's true feelings to some one without even realizing it. To me, that's like letting someone inside your mind. That seems a little scary but I think that it would be a fun way to spend a day trying to figure out people's true feelings just by listening to what they say. That makes you powerful, but don't get carried away. 


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