Fostering my expertise in analyzing a literary piece of literature, I found my self noticing a huge difference between taking notes of a movie and a short story. Certain literary elements are really easy to identify in both but some are really hard. The note taking of two different means of exposing works creates The Battle of Sight. Let's break it down.


While watching a movie the only thing I want is a big bowl of popcorn and dark environment so I can see every scene and detail of the movie. When you are taking notes of a movie, it's really easy to identify symbols, direct characterization and imagery because they are all done for you. A lot of people don't understand that in a movie, similar to how an author writing Literary Fiction chooses their words for a reason, so are the camera angles and sound effects in the scenes. A movie even adds a third dimension in the story that a written one does not. That is we the viewers get to see the character's body language and costumes. Finding characterization of a character in a movie is never hard. The only literary element that I have trouble with is Verbal Irony. During a movie, you are so engage in the story that you are trying deeply to understand the dialogue between characters but because you are so engage is that you forget their exact words. Unlike in a movie, you can copy the exact quotation of a story when you find verbal irony.


Now taking notes of a story has a lot of easily found literary elements. Since your eyes are viewing the exact words that paint the plot of the story, you get access to a level of the story that allows you to pick out the author's craft like uses of similes, alliteration, allusion, and metaphors. A story allows the reader to also be open to their own expectation and interpretation of symbols and characters. When our class does a group discussion, many people will have many different opinions because every mind makes you see the story differently than the person sitting in front of you. By taking away the visuals, you make the story your's and is force to make personal connection with everything in the story. This adds life. Whats really tough to notice while taking notes of a story is hidden body language and settings. Movies do a great job of making the story seem real and the setting is very important. 

P.S Which kind of mean do you prefer?

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