Don't you think the comic strip above describes The Butterfly Effect beautifully? The Butterfly Effect is a well known concept. It states that even the flapping of a butterfly's wing can change the weather in another part of the world. What a lot of people don't realize is this is meant to be understood as a metaphor to the power the small things have. They can change greatly a situation. A good personal example is when students take a test. The difference between an F and an A+ could be if you grab that bagel that morning or even if you set your alarm clock the night before! Its kind of scary thing to think about. The smallest thing could decide whether something tragic or magical happens. The reason why the tiniest change has a large effect on nature is because nature is constantly balancing. If one thing changes, such as the particles pushed by the wind off of the flapping of a butterfly's wing, will cause the system to rebalance and as The Chaos Theory states, the system could either reach a never even Strange Attractor or a normal Attractor. The Butterfly Effect and The Chaos Theory are intertwined with each other. 


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